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FEST 2025

Sponsorship Info




Purpose of event - Live Well Kitsap presents this event free to the community to promote wellbeing awareness in Kitsap along with providing opportunities for exposure for wellbeing businesses from all over the county to gather in one place.

LWK Mission - We exist so both people and businesses can thrive!
What to Expect- This event is designed to be a combination of a fair, festival and expo and is created to be a fun, educational, motivational, experience/ event for the whole family.


4 levels of Sponsorships available:

PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP investment $5000. (Up to 3 Platinum sponsors accepted- You will have exclusivity for your entity type.)

Benefits of this include but are not limited to:
✓ Name and logo on all marketing materials; flyers, ads, T shirts, goodie bags, press release etc.
✓ Free ads in both of our LWK Newsletters, Wellness Wednesday and in June issue of Perspectives 3-4 times during the 6 weeks of marketing leading up to the event.

✓  Top Spot on the back of our LWK T- shirts available prior to the event. Receive 2-4 shirts.

✓  Post videos /reels of your entity on all of our social media platforms 5 weeks prior to the event with a Platinum Sponsor designation.

✓  Several live reels or videos taken at your place of business the week before the event, and one interview/ photos etc. as our featured business in our NL.

✓  Posts and reels on our social platforms for 3 weeks leading up to the event as our spotlight feature. (posts about 3x weekly)

✓  Premium size vendor space 10x20 (we can supply one 6’ table)

✓  First choice of location (after the organizer) the day of event.

✓  Options for any and all of the following: Provide a demo, teach a class, provide workshops throughout the event.

✓  Hang a banner outside of your designated space.

✓  Brief reels of your booth space at the event showcasing your booth and encouraging people to come, in the morning

✓  Name in the center of our LWK Passport

✓  Verbal mentions of your platinum sponsorship status throughout the event.

✓  Donate a prize or certificate for your services or goods – also announced during our drawings for prizes. (Optional)

✓  Our gratitude for your platinum sponsorship!



Will receive the following for their investment

✓  Name and logo on marketing materials, FB page, flyers, t shirts, swag etc. and receive 2-3 LWK T-shirts prior to the event.

✓  Reels /videos taken at your place of business prior to the event

✓  Multiple mentions on all of our social media platforms (weekly leading up to the event) with Gold Sponsor designation.

✓  1 regular size booth space (10x10) at the event and preference for location of your booth. (after organizer and platinum)

✓  Frequent Ads/ mentions in our LWK Newsletters both Wellness Wed. and Perspectives and a place as our Featured Business in the 6 weeks leading up to the event.

✓  Option to provide one lecture, demo, workshop, or activity outside your booth- more if time / space allow.

✓  Several verbal mentions at the event

✓  Name in bigger letters and prominent placement in our LWK PASSPORT

✓  Provide donation of a gift basket or certificate for our hourly drawings and verbal recognition for your prize. (Optional)

✓  Our gratitude for your participation and investment



Will receive the following for their investment at the event:

✓  Name appearing on marketing materials; Press release, T- shirts (logo on last line with other silver sponsors). Receive 2 LWK T- shirts.

✓  Mentions in our Wellness Wednesday and Perspectives Newsletters

✓  Mentions in our FB LWK Community group w/ silver designation

✓  1 regular 10x10 size booth – choice of location after platinum and gold
✓ Some verbal mentions at the event that you are a sponsor

✓  Name around the edges / sides of our LWK PASSPORT with designation as a Silver Sponsor.

✓  Opportunity to conduct one workshop, speech, presentation or demo

✓  Our gratitude for your participation and investment

✓  Donate a gift basket or certificate and verbal mention during our drawing.


AMBASSADOR SPONSORSHIP $500 – designed for solopreneurs and Mom and Pop shops! 

✓  Mentions in our newsletters leading up to the event

✓  Mentions/ posts in our Live Well Kitsap Facebook Community Group

✓  1 regular 10X10 booth- choice of location after Platinum, Gold and Silver partners have selected.

✓  Verbal mentions at the event

✓  Name on Goody Bags if space allows

✓  Name on our LWK Passport around the edges


We need Sponsorship Agreements (Vendor Application below) no later than: April 1st 2025

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