Most of us are affected in one way or another by the distressing things happening in our country right now. Whether you are a federal employee, know someone who is, or know of a teacher who is stressed out because ICE has entered the schools looking to make arrests, these are unprecedented times for our country.
While there is much to say, we’ll focus this blog on how to self manage better during these stressful times. While so much is out of our control, so much is within our control as well.
Here are some ideas for you and perhaps to pass along to those you love.
Go on a News Fast- In other words, do not allow yourself to be glued to the TV, internet or even emails. Take the news in small doses and never look at your phone for news right before bed or even within an hour or two of bedtime.
Start your Day with Gratitude- From the moment you open your eyes, remind yourself of the blessing it is that you woke up and have another day of life. Consider keeping a gratitude journal where you spend a few minutes identifying what you are thankful for. That gratitude mindset can set the tone for your day.
Keep an Accurate Perspective- no matter what is going on for you personally, with those you love, and in our country, there is always some good we can find somewhere. Don’t lose sight of who and what, is good.
Be the Good in the World and in your Community- Find ways to do a kindness for someone else. Whether you check on your neighbor, or invite your friend who is a federal employee on a hike, remember that a small gesture that says I see you and I care about you is huge.
Take short Pauses throughout each Day- to just stop, breathe, and pause what you are doing to destress and be present. You might take 2-3 minutes to just be still and notice what that feels like after.
Move your Body Daily- stress accumulates, so moving your body daily is essential for good mental, emotional and physical health and wellbeing. Find something you love and then do it. Put your work out or move time on your schedule. Maybe you dance or do yoga, weight lift a couple of days a week, and then swim or play golf. Do what you love to do that moves your body.
Eat for Nutrition and not just Taste- our bodies need the right kind of fuel and even more so when we are under chronic stress. Stay away from ultra processed, and eat closer to nature. Ensure you are choosing organic fruits and veggies, good protein sources and food that tastes good and is good for you.
Be intentional about your Support System. We all need safe others to see us, support us and be there in the hard times. Lean into the friends and family who help you feel energized and supported. Avoid the people and places that zap your energy.
In the midst of the challenges, consider what additional actions would feel empowering to you. Maybe it’s writing to your representative or starting a peaceful protest. Only you know what you need to both manage yourself well during these challenging times, and perhaps to engage in activities that can make a difference. Be the good you want to see in the world!