The gyms are packed right now with new exercisers hoping that this year will be the magic that they have been waiting for, to stay the course and fulfill their physical wellbeing goals. Some want to lose weight, while others just want to tone up, build endurance or feel strong in their bodies.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting better physical health, we invite you to consider how this year could be different, so you are not lumped into the category of “gym rat for just January.”
We have some ideas for you to stay the course and ensure that this year you will claim your goals and reach them!
Here are some ideas for you!
Join the LIVE WELL KITSAP TRANSFORMATION EVENT. It’s online and it’s free! All you have to do is go to and sign up. Then you can participate in 7 weeks of taking one health topic each week and doing the suggested activities that are in alignment with that weeks’ health topic! Invite a friend and fill out the A/E tracker that is provided for you on the site. This is a great way for every aspect of your health to stay top of mind.
IDENTIFY YOUR “WHY”. Why do you want to … fill in the blank- lose weight, increase cardio, feel stronger in your body? How will your life be different when you achieve your goal? Once you identify why your goal matters, write it down, create a vision board, and start visualizing how life will be different when you meet your goal.
ASSESS WHAT YOU ARE DOING, WHEN, WHERE AND HOW. Now is the time to identify and tweak anything that is not working. Maybe you are taking a class too close to the time you have to pick up a kid from school and it is stressing you out. Make any changes now that are needed to help you to continue to get those work outs in.
REMEMBER TO GET SOME SUPPORT. Whether you simply need encouragement, an atta boy, or someone to work out with you, think about the support you need to make this new choice to work out, actually become a habit. Find like minded people that you can encourage and be encouraged by.
In the end, you are the only one who can make your goals and dreams come true. Being healthy isn’t just about one thing, so be sure you are paying attention to diet and nutrition, working out, managing stress and spending time with safe people that you love and like.
At Live Well Kitsap, we want you well! Let us know how your journey is going and how we can support you! Join the community group at :