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FizioLogix Physical Therapy
Best Private Physical Therapy Clinic on Bainbridge Island for active adults, athletes or those post surgery if your goal is to be able to get or stay strong, move better, feel better and stay injury free to live the life you love, pain-free.
We have few options and ways you can access our care. We have a private clinic inside the Elevate Strength & Conditioning Gym which gives us access to a very large treatment gym where we do not only our rehabilitation work but also personal training and coaching either with us or any of the experienced Elevate coaches so that way you can feel strong, mobile so you are able to get done what you need to get done.
If getting into the clinic is more challenging for you, we continue to offer Telemedicine / Telehealth Physical Therapy which tends to work best for people with any sort of neck pain, back pain - central / core along the spine challenges. Because most things like sciatica or carpal tunnel do tend to stem from the central point, telehealth works for those as well.
For those who are coming out of surgery such as rotator cuff repair, hip or a knee replacement, once you get out of surgery it can be hard to get into the clinic for PT so for those post-operative, Dr. Spooner will make house calls. (No extra fee for Medicare recipients)
FizioLogix Physical Therapy is fairly new on the island but Dr. Greg Spooner, DPT grew up here, left to pursue opportunities with the Navy and the US Rowing Team and moved back up here with his lovely partner Marzena to bring to the island a highly personalized, 1-on-1 physical therapy. We accept insurance and can schedule patients within 24-48 hrs.